December 22, 2008

A New Recipe

After reading so many great blogs, I am officially hooked. So hooked that I'm a blog stalker (these are my favorites here and here) and I'm giving in to the urge to blog myself, so here you go. :)

Christmas is in three days, and since Todd and I will be away from home for nearly two weeks, we're having two great friends over for dinner so that I can get a feel of what it's like to have Christmas in our own home. One of these days when we have little ones (or a little one), we'll be lucky enough to stay in our own home, but for now we make the trip to Ozark to spend the holidays with our families. Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful! But I'm starting to see why people say after you move away, your trips back home become fewer and fewer. I used to think that was ridiculous! But when you move away and your "new" home becomes your home-home, it becomes harder and harder to leave. I'm just thankful that we have amazing parents that keep us coming back holiday after holiday.

Back to tonight. Josh and Christi Rush are coming over for dinner and I'm trying out a new recipe that I found in Good Housekeeping. I know, I'm only 26 years old and I'm reading Good Housekeeping (and Better Homes & Gardens, Real Simple and other magazines I never picked up before owning a home!). I think the day we closed on our house I aged 20 years. :)

I was reading GH on my way to Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago and found a recipe for Beef Carbonnade and had to try it. So Josh and Christi will be my guinea pigs!

Here is my inspiration:

You can find the recipe here.

I'll post later tonight and let you know how this dish turned out. I'm praying that we don't end up ordering pizza.


Josh and Christi just left and dinner was a success. It needed a little more seasoning, and I'm sure the next time I'll get it right, but for tonight it was edible.

Todd helped add the finishing touches to our dinner.

I love spending time with those two. God gave me a wonderful family and I am so thankful for them, but when God brings complete strangers into our lives and they become family, it's a true blessing. Todd and I look forward to many more dinner date nights with the Rushes.


  1. For the record, it was delicious.

    And also for the record, we love you Stepps, too.

  2. O para nuestros amigos de habla español:

    Para el registro, es delicioso.

    Y también para el registro, los queremos Stepps, también.

  3. Thanks for the translation, Josh. And Christi, I never knew you had a blog! I've been in the dark my friend.
