May 7, 2009

Cookies and more Crazy Love

Who needs cookbooks these days? I find the best recipes on blogs. I ♥ blogs.

One of my favorite bloggers is pregnant, so she's obviously writing more about food, which I love. Yesterday she blogged about an amazing oatmeal cookie recipe she found and after looking at them, I had to eat them. Had to. In my defense, I had promised to make something for Todd's co-workers for hitting a big sales goal (and baking is more fun than grabbing Krispy Kreme anyway!)

How can you look at these cookies and not rush to the grocery store? Like the author, I substituted the pecans for Heath toffee pieces. Yum!


(Click on the image to enlarge)

There's nothing better than a kitchen that smells like cookies baking...


Go make them. Seriously.

While the cookies were cooling I read chapters 3 & 4 of Crazy Love. I'm reading the book again because one, it's an amazing book and two, we're reading it as part of our Thursday night small group. Chapter 4 hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't have the book in front of me, so I'm paraphrasing, but Francis Chan said something like this: "You are lukewarm if you spend your days thinking about to-do lists, this week's schedule and next month's vacation." Ouch. I don't know about you, but I find myself there a lot and wouldn't consider myself "lukewarm." What an eye-opener. I don't think about heaven and my life after this one as much as I should. I'm a details person. I'm a to-do list maker by nature. But what on my list has eternal value? My prayer is that God would continue to work on my heart so that I'm not always living for today. It's a challenge for sure, but it's too costly for me not to take it on.

If you're needing a kick in the pants spiritually, please read this book. You can be extra kind and buy a copy from my husband's company. Or you can borrow mine. :)



    Those COOKIES.

    Oh my word - they look amazing...

    I need to read that book. Maybe after I eat a bunch of those cookies, then the kick in my pants can get me moving, spiritually AND physically?

  2. these cookies are AMAZING!! thanks for sharing last night! mmm, they've changed my cookie eating life <3

    and i agree, crazy love gives us quite the challenge to step up in our lives as we seek to fully live for Christ and reflect His sacrificial, unconditional love. glad to be on the journey with you!
