July 22, 2009

Seeking Rest

My head is about to explode. The demands of work and life are full force and I'm hanging on by a thread. In no way is this post a "my life is so awful, please feel sorry for me" post. I love my life. I really do. It's just that there are times when I don't think I can juggle all of the balls I have in the air. I'm starting to feel like one of those balls could drop at any minute and the stress is getting to me.

God's timing is so perfect. Last night Todd and I were sitting on the couch, both on our laptops because I have been so busy that I'm taking work home with me and have to combine our couple time with work time. I'm not thrilled about it. I wrapped up a few emails and could hear God's soft whisper, "Tara, put that down and spend time with Me. You can't keep going at this pace and I won't let you. Stop what you're doing and look to Me."

So that's what I did. I closed my laptop, crawled into bed and opened my devotional to the date July 21. Sometimes God makes me laugh. I literally laughed out loud as I read the page. How does He do it? :)

Rest in My presence when you need refreshment...Many people turn away from Me when they are exhausted. They associate me with duty and diligence, so they try to hide from My presence when they need a break from work....As I spoke through My prophet Isaiah: In returning to Me and resting in Me you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength.
Oh, how I needed to hear those words. Life is stressful in good ways. I'm so thankful that I have a job that I absolutely love. I'm thankful that all of our family has visited and continues to visit this week. I'm thankful to own a home that needs to be cleaned. But at the end of the day, all I need is a Savior who sees my weakness and in His goodness calls me by name to sit with Him and hear His voice.

A couple of weeks ago I was reading Southern Living (I really mention that magazine a lot. Maybe they should pay me?) I found the most amazing resort. What I wouldn't give to pack my bags and head to Austin for a week with my favorite guy. I think this place could help me relax. Do you agree?



If you don't hear from me in the next few days, I may have packed my Bible, kidnapped my husband and boarded a plane for Texas...


  1. You are adorable. And if you need some trav buddies to help share the cost, you just let us know! ;-) Your devo is speaking to the same thing the end of my Pslams of Ascent study did. Good stuff! - Ash

  2. I think getaways are good for the soul. When I was 7 months pregnant, my hubby and I headed off for a little "last vaca" before Wyatt came. It was so nice to just be with him and remember why God joined us together. I had completely consumed myself with baby this and baby that, and had forgotten how much I needed to focus on US.

    Life can be overwhelming and we forget who comes first. God, husband, and family.

  3. I love you.

    I love how honest and bare you are with your soul in this post. It's beautiful.

    And I love that you were obedient to God's gentle call and were rewarded so specifically.

    And I really love the thought of you and Todd disappearing to that resort. It looks absolutely incredible.

    Thanks for sharing your heart, sweetie. Love you.

  4. Love this post, it really resonated with where I am right now too. I love how God gave you the exact words He wanted you to hear at that moment. He loves us so much. I think when we are in Christ, we can often identify and understand each other across the miles. I felt like a post like this was coming when I saw the other ones you wrote about so much craziness and travel lately. Only because I have been there myself so much lately. It's beautiful how God draws us back to Himself when we allow our lives to be filled with so many other things, even "good" things that can still tear us away from time with Him. Thanks for sharing!
