March 30, 2010

Bye Bye Birdie

Today I took one foot out of the social media world.

I quit Twitter.

I had several reasons for leaving it behind, but honestly, it was just adding too much clutter in my life and I started out the year resolving to clean out the clutter. I needed to start walking in that direction.

Twitter was making me insecure about my words. I can’t count the number of times I’ve put something out there, immediately wanted to take it back, even manually deleted my comment. But it was still there. Still available for anyone to see. I’ve had moments where I’ve asked Todd to proofread my tweets. “Does this sound stupid? Is this funny? Should I say this or that?” It was getting old.

A couple of nights ago, I began thinking about what I wanted in my life and what I no longer needed. I realized I don’t need something that makes me constantly question my worth. Am I cool? No. I was semi-cool in high school and it was miserable. I’m too old to be “cool.”

I need to fill my life with things that build me up. No longer do I pack a good book in my bag when I’m running errands. Call my sister while getting my oil changed? Why? I’ll just see what everyone is up to on Twitter. Lame.

One of the reasons I decided to quit is because I realized that the people that found an interest in my life and chose to follow me were constantly getting a one-sided conversation from me that they were obviously not a part of. All of my @so-and-so’s had to be annoying to my co-workers, radio colleagues and family members who had no idea who I was talking to or what I was talking about. Sorry about that.

But, what really got me was the confirmation. Just hours after declaring to Todd that I was indeed quitting Twitter, I read this post from Anne Jackson. It was as if God himself said, “This isn’t just a crazy idea in your head. I want you to quit too. Follow Me.”

For the record, I don’t think Twitter is bad. I have some witty friends who put their humor out there, and I know somebody has had a brighter day when they have read my friends’ tweets. My husband is a pro on Twitter. Free hockey and football tickets? That’s saving us money! My pastor from back home is on Twitter. He says things that inspire and offer hope. It’s not bad. It’s just not for me.

There is so much noise in my life right now and I want to be still. I want to soak in the moments I have with my friends when I’m with them. If I want to know what my neighbor is doing, I want to invite her family over for dinner. Twitter makes us think we really know people. But we don’t. We know what they have edited for the world wide web, but we don’t know them. I want people to know me. The people that really know me will read this blog. Or they will sit across the table from me over coffee.

I’m taking my life back. I’m turning down the noise. I’m going to let God speak truth into my life and not ask Him to yell to get my attention. Will I feel out of the loop and at times left out? Probably. But I'm okay with that.

I quit Twitter. It feels so good.

March 28, 2010

They Came. We Ate.

If there's one thing we do well when we have company visiting, it's eat. Todd's mother and grandmother spent the weekend with us and we had our fill of amazing food. I might have a slight obsession. As I write this, I have Giada on in the background. Although, what she's making might be a bit healthier than the fare we indulged in this weekend.

On Friday evening, Todd and I came home from work to a house that smelled like a country diner. I'm not going to lie, I could get used to walking in to a home cooked meal. The menu included chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes, homemade Alabama biscuits and a wonderful garden salad..

The next morning, we awoke to another meal - my favorite egg & veggie scramble with toast from bread Todd's grandmother made the night before.

On Saturday night we tried a new restaurant that I had read about and had heard several people mention. The Silly Goose, a new cafe in East Nashville has officially made it on my list of go-to restaurants. I'm just sad we don't live closer. Locally grown, mostly organic ingredients and an eclectic menu set this little gem apart from other sandwich shops. I'm so glad we ventured over to the East side. It was absolutely worth it.

We wrapped up our time with family over breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I'm telling you, we know how to eat. Thankfully our refrigerator is stocked with leftovers, so we're going to be set for the next few days (until we head to Missouri this weekend to well, eat some more).

I'm going to regret this weekend tomorrow morning. I signed up for a Biggest Loser competition and I have a feeling I'll be the biggest gainer this week. I'll just ask the ladies at work not to judge. I'd like to see them say no to Todd's grandma!

Happy Weekend!

March 25, 2010

Warm Weather Wish-List

If you receive Anthropologie's newsletter, this will be old news, but I am in love with their new spring collection. I'm more of a Gap / J. Crew (Target...cough) person when it comes to inspiration. I love clean lines, simple patterns and classic pieces. But if you ask me, Anthro just hit the bullseye. Now I just need to figure out how to afford it all...



My friend Christi was just saying yesterday how she was excited for spring because she wanted to experiment with a new style. I never know what style I'm going for. I can become boring pretty quickly. I'm hoping the photos above will inspire me as I build my warm weather wardrobe.

In other news, Todd's family will be in town tonight, so I may be MIA for few days.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

March 23, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

...and so have our busy lives! I have so much to catch up on, but I'm being lazy tonight. I forgot what it felt like to be overwhelmed. Until now, life has been manageable. So much for that. Let the craziness begin!

I have lots of blog posts up my sleeve. My great friend Susan got married this past weekend. I'll have more news about that as the photos come in. My high school girlfriends and I are planning the trip of a lifetime, Todd's family will be with us this weekend, and then we head back to Missouri the weekend after that. Work decided to hit me with a mean right hook this week, so I'm trying to stay afloat. No complaints - just trying to ease back into the chaos we often call life.

The good news? It's officially spring. The sun is out, the trees are blooming (including the gorgeous cherry blossoms in our neighborhood) and I will be spending a lot of my time outside. Todd and I kicked things off with a wonderful dinner outdoors tonight and I'm continuing with lunch at the park tomorrow. I've been aching for spring. I'm so thankful it's here!

Somehow in the midst of my crazy schedule I found the time to try a new recipe. A girl needs her chocolate when she's stressed.

A similar recipe can be found here.

I'll be back soon. I need to gather my thoughts and give my day-planner an overhaul.

Hope you're outside enjoying the beautiful spring weather!

March 14, 2010

Cough Due To Cold?

Jenny: Forrest, I'm sick.
Forrest: Do you have a cough due to cold?

That is one of my favorite scenes in Forrest Gump. If you have seen the movie, you know Jenny didn't have a cold, but that line makes me laugh out loud every time I hear it. Who doesn't love Forrest Gump?

What I don't love is actually having a cold. I've been stuck inside all weekend sniffing, sneezing and coughing. And sleeping. Lots of sleeping. I've got to knock this thing out fast because one of my best friends is getting married this week and we have several fun nights planned leading up to the big day.

So to rid myself of this nasty cold, I have tried just about every cold medicine known to man. I'm not playing around here!

This weekend may not have gone as planned, but at least I will be well before the big day. One more NyQuil-induced night's sleep should do the trick.

Thankfully Todd has been a great nurse.

Hope you had a relaxing, healthy weekend!

March 11, 2010

Seven More Weeks

In seven weeks from today, Todd and I will load up the car and head to the beach for an early anniversary trip to Destin, Florida (one of our new favorite places). Seven weeks feels like an eternity, but I'm counting down the days. Just 48 more to go.

I have "spring fever" so bad this year. I'm sure it's because Nashville was uncharacteristically cold this winter and also because I haven't traveled for work in awhile. I'm getting antsy for a fun trip, especially a trip to the beach with my favorite guy.

I'll try not to wish the time away. Lots of other fun things are happening between now and then. But I'm ready. I'm ready to pack all of the books I've been wanting to read, lather on the sunscreen and spend hours walking white beaches and soaking up the sun.

Just seven weeks. I don't know if I can wait that long!

What are your fun Spring plans?

March 8, 2010

Not So Little

Wouldn't you know that the weekend I had planned to spend with my youngest sister, the weekend that I knew would be filled with lots of fun new memories, the weekend that would surely be captured with my new camera, I would forget to charge the camera battery. And forget to pack the battery charger.

So I have no photos, but the weekend was great and I'm so glad Todd and I were able to take a quick trip home (even though we were both completely exhausted today).

Since I don't have a single picture from this weekend, I dug up some fun family photos of me and my sisters. I can't believe our little Shaye will be 14. She will always be five years old to me.

Todd's grandparents are staying with us tonight. We have been so blessed to spend time with family the past few nights. We have also eaten our weight in the worst kinds of food. That's what you do on vacation, right? Looks like the gym will be our friend this week.

Happy Monday!

March 3, 2010

Oh Happy Day

I have read several blogs lately that are featuring “happy lists,” lists of five or ten things that make people really happy. I found a couple fun lists here and here. What a great idea!

Since I’ve been a little down in the dumps the past couple of weeks, I thought I would make my own little happy list to cheer myself up. Although, this week has been off to a great start and will end with a trip to Missouri to see family. The weekend can't get here soon enough. On Saturday I'll be celebrating my baby sister's 14th birthday. She and I are having a "sister day," just the two of us. So really, I have no reason to complain. Instead I will count my blessings, and the 10 things that make me oh so happy.

So tell me, what makes you happy?!