October 24, 2009

Lazy Autumn Day

Delicious autumn!
My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird
I would fly about the earth seeking the
successive autumns.

-George Eliot

I can't think of anything better than a lazy, cozy Saturday at home on a fall day. My day has been filled with the best parts of autumn:

Waking up to warm pumpkin bread (made the night before) and a hot cup of hazlenut coffee.

Flipping through the latest Pottery Barn catalog, making note of my favorites for my Christmas wish list.

Enjoying a yummy lunch with my husband - creamy tomato soup and grilled cheese paninis.



The only thing that would make this day better? A long nap while my favorite guy watches football.


love fall.

Hope you're all enjoying a lovely autumn day!


  1. the pictures are cozy and lovely but for some reason the words come up like gobbely goop. I even refreshed it and still can't read it.
