Today was also bitter sweet in that fact that I just learned that another little girl, Cora, passed away today just shy of her first birthday. This blog world is a crazy thing. I don't know Cora and I don't know her family, but through a couple of blogs I follow, I came across the blog "The Macs." Less than a month ago they took their little girl Cora in for an ear infection. During her checkup they found out she had cancer... and today she passed away. Although I don't know her personally, I was so touched by her story. Todd and I started reading it together and were praying for her recovery. I can't imagine how her parents are feeling. I know it's not biblical to live in fear, but stories like this make me wonder if I can handle being a parent. I don't know that I would ever be strong enough to handle anything like what this precious family is facing. If you want to read more or pray for this family, visit their blog here.
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